When it comes to factors that impact your business, one of the biggest is indoor air quality, which is why states regulate it. Here are a few ways that improved indoor air quality can affect the employees and clients at your New Albany, IN, business.

Sick Days

The EPA reports that the concentration of indoor pollutants is often two to five times greater than outdoor levels. Poor indoor air quality causes headaches, poor concentration, irritation of the ears, nose and throat and other health effects. WellCertified states that employees take 10% fewer sick days when you supply adequate ventilation.

Employee Retention

When your business has poor indoor air quality, whether it’s from a lack of HVAC maintenance or inadequate ventilation, it also has an impact on employee retention. When your business has indoor air quality issues, your employees are more likely to move on to a different job to remove themselves from a location that’s impacting their health.


Issues that impact productivity include temperature, odors, and indoor air quality. Studies have shown that when you increase ventilation and improve indoor air quality, productivity increases as well.

Sick Building Syndrome

Many people have heard about sick building syndrome, but few know what it is, so they can work to prevent it from happening. Sick building syndrome occurs when many of the occupants experience health issues that they can directly link to spending time in a particular building, as the short-term symptoms often disappear after leaving the building. Poor ventilation and indoor air pollution are both factors in making buildings “sick.”

Sources of Indoor Air Pollution

many sources of pollution impact the quality of air inside your business. Some sources are natural, such as high dust levels, unhealthy humidity levels, or the presence of organic growth. Other sources include exposure to radon or carbon monoxide, pesticides, cleaning chemicals, or even tobacco smoke.

Don’t let your indoor air quality continue to affect your business. If you suspect that the quality of air inside your business is subpar, then now is the time to act. Contact us at Elder Heating and Air to learn more about how our indoor air quality solutions can positively impact your business.

Image provided by iStock

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